Monday, April 12, 2021

Feeling blessed

Hi, Assalamualaikum my dear blog. It's been months since my last update. Currently in my last semester with final year project and internship thingy. I can start to feel the pressure now. Hoping will get the best practical place for me 🙏🏼

    Today is the first day of Ramadhan of 2021. Alhamdulillahh very much grateful for the opportunity to be here again. May we all grasp all the benefits and chances as much as we can to be a better Muslim in future. Yeay hihi.

    And, I'm getting engaged next month on the 3rd Syawal (15/5/2021) in Shaa Allah. Please pray everything will went well throughout the majlis, our relationship and our family. Amin ya Rabb, thank you for making everything so easy to prepare and planning. I hope my sisters can balik kampung and celebrate this meaningful day together. 
